How to Install Windows 10 on VMware Fusion in Mac/macOS | SYSNETTECH Solutions

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This video tutorial shows you the steps of installing Windows 10 on a new virtual machine using VMware Fusion 12 Pro on the macOS operating system on Mac. ✅ S U B S C R I B E ► ✅ Article ► Creating a New Virtual Machine: 0:00 Installing Windows 10: 3:20 Installing VMware Tools: 14:10 Increasing Windows 10 Performance: 21:40 Testing Internet Connection: 22:40 Using USB Flash Drive in VM: 23:45 Creating Password for User Account: 26:15 Enabling Remote Desktop Connections: 27:08 Installing Microsoft Remote Desktop: 28:15 Connecting to the Windows Guest Machine: 30:15 Configuring Shared Folder: 32:40 File Transfer Between Host and Virtual Machine: 34:00 If you want to install #Windows10 operating system to use Microsoft applications on your #macOS system, you can create a new virtual machine with VMware Fusion software and install Windows on it. Step 1: After opening #VMwareFusion Pro, select Create a custom virtual machine