Forbidden World (1986) - Les interdits du monde - Italian audio

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1986 ‘Les interdits du monde’ Directed by Chantal Lasbats French mondo film featuring (among other things) a black magic sex ceremony, a frog geeking ritual, a German toilet sex slave dungeon and some rope bondage in Amsterdam’s red light district. 1 hr 22 mins Documentary NR Watchlist Nothing more than an obvious attempt to shock the viewer (sometimes dishonestly), this apparent documentary of gross and vile human behavior does not have a lot to offer. Switching from voodoo and black magic to orgies and prostitution, humans are compared to the predatory animals interspersed with these scenes, much to the detriment of the animals. In a supposed shot of a sophisticated couple pawing each other in front of a corpse in a New York morgue, the scene is so obviously invented that any audience would wonder about the intentions of the director Chantal Lasbats.