American Idiot Musical (2018)

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*I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THIS MATERIAL. MUSIC AND VIDEO WERE GRANTED FOR USE BY THE OWNERS AND WRITERS* August 2018 The Villagers Theatre Somerset, New Jersey Artistic Expressions The Cast: Johnny - Evan Pelaia Will - Jason Skibinski Tunny - Marcus Ramos St. Jimmy - Julie Bianciella Whatsername - Christiana Alicante Heather - Jess Kimberlin Extraordinary Girl - Samantha Ventola Josh - Ricky Francese Theo - Christain Confalone Alysha - Niamh Sherlock Ensemble: Chad Fruscione James Jones Will DeJianne Emily Schneider Christina Carelli Emma Cusmano Ashley Velazquez Production Staff: Director - Corey Rubel Musical Director - Jake Sinsky Choreographer - Jillian Kimberlin