Scott & Veronica l I still fuckin' love you.

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Watch in 720HD. you said forever, now I drive alone past your street. '' they were together, until one day, veronica's insecurities were too much and she decided to broke up with him. then she started to see him with the girl she used to be around him. she started to see them a lot, and she tells diana that she was right, that allison was after him all this time and that now she has him, until one day she sees allison kissing scott. after that she decides that she has had enough that she needs to move on, cause she can't stand watching him with her, and calls him wanted to say goodbye, but she can't, so she starts to cry and ends the call. she finally decides to go away. what she doesn't know is that he only sees allison as a friend, and when he is going to say that wants to return with her, she's ____________________ Fandom: riverdale / tw Song: Programme: Sony Vegas Pro 13 Coloring: alvxprodz