Passionate Soldier Reveals What He Saw In VIETNAM

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I believe we need to think laterally here, otherwise some pieces of the 20th Century puzzle just won't make the cut. Think of all the self-righteous accusations and violent invective thrown at the Germans since World War Two. It never stops! Note especially how much "America Inc" has invested in the demonization of Germany since. They prefix their poisonous libel with "Nazi" only as cover. Their entire fabric is woven with vile accusations that lack hard evidence. Anyone with half a brain knows all White people are being tainted equally with the same tar-laden brush. Now compare all of that with Bill Ehrhart's recollections (as featured in this video). To identify the most damning parts of his testimony you need to listen carefully. W. D. Ehrhart served with 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, from early February 1967 to late February 1968. His service number is 2279361. Uploaded July 19, 2018 by YT Channel: "David Hoffman". | Uploaded here for archiving purposes.