5 Weird Ways Toxic Family Members Punish a Truthteller for Going No Contact/Lisa A. Romano

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#toxicfamily #scapegoat #truthteller In this video you will learn about 5 Weird Ways Toxic Family Members punish a truthteller for going no contact. Toxic families can become highly narcissistic, especially toward a truthteller or scapegoat child who dares to tell the truth. If you are dealing with a toxic family, you will be punished for speaking the truth, asking for clarity, and for wanting to confront unhealthy behavior. 1)You will be accused of things you are not guilty of. 2) They may dig into your past to discredit you. 3) They may twist reality and gaslight you. 4) They will accuse you of wanting attention, for making things up and do what they can to triangulate others against you to protect the family secrets. 5) You will be accused of wanting to cause trouble and your intentions will be challenged, and discredited. Sick toxic family systems, hide secrets and protect those who should be held accountable for their actions. If you are a truthteller, you may become a scapegoat