手技TEWAZA「京扇子」Kyo Folding Fans/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square

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起源は奈良時代に遡るが、今日の技法が確立したのは能や茶の文化が盛んになった16世紀といわれる。檜、杉、白檀などの木版を束ねた板扇と、竹や象牙などの扇骨に紙や絹を貼った貼り扇がある。 KYO-SENSU (FOLDING PAPER FAN) Kyoto City and environs, Kyoto Prefecture The origin of Kyo-sensu dates back to the 8th century, but the present style was established around the 16th century. Sensu (folding fan) is not only used for utilitarian purpose but for the cultural occasions of tea ceremony, Noh play, and Japanese dance. The demand for such splendid fans as mai-ogi used in dance is on the increase for decor