The HORRIFIC Sea Water Torture Of Dachau

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During the Second World War, inside of the concentration camps there were many different experiments performed on the prisoners by the evil SS doctors. One of the doctors was Hans Eppinger, an Austrian physician who wanted to push the human body to its limits. He conducted a number of salt water/sea water experiments which caused terrible suffering onto the prisoners. A group of 90 prisoners were starved and dehydrated and were only given salt water to consume and quickly they were desperate. The prisoners began to lick the mopped floors to try and get some form of hydration, but ultimately many of them died from the treatment they were given. The point of sea water torture was to see if the Nazis could utilise filtered sea water to give to their soldiers as the Second World War turned against them, and they tried to see if this was a resource which could be worthwhile to the war effort. But many people suffered in the sea water torture. Join us today as we look at, 'The HORRIFIC Sea Water