2001: A Space Odyssey Meets Metal

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#2001 #stanleykubrick #metal So a quick little music lesson for those who don't know because it's fun :) I studied a couple tone poems in school. They're super cool. Think of them as concept pieces based on some type of art (any art really; a poem, a painting, a book, etc). I was totally unaware, until much later, that the opening number in 2001 was a tone poem because the only one we covered was the originator, Franz Liszt. "Also sprach Zarathustra" - Chapter 1 - Sunrise by Richard Strauss was the one used. Could it be any more perfect? Obviously a hit bc Elvis used it, Ric Flair used it, and more recently, Barbie used it. And Kubrick? Forget about it! Kubrick has been one of my favorite directors since I started watching movies. The first one I saw, which was way before I was old enough to see it, was Full Metal Jacket. But my favorite, if I had to pick one, would be The Shining. I babble, I know. Anyway hope ya dig! Sorry it's shorter, didn't want to mess with a pe