Try the Wine

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From 'Gelb', download here: Featuring Nine0uh: Lyric video by Biodegradable: --- “How do you do,” with a surreptitious smile she said to me How could I know this life would ache like a hurricane in silence Only you could shed my tears Why my dear, those aubergine trellises look sublime, dressed in turquoise and iodine Time makes fools out of all of us dear, try the wine, colored rose red and alkaline “Where is the light?” With an apprehensive zeal she said to me How could I know that light would sear like the sun has come to visit Only this could set me free Why my dear, those aubergine trellises look sublime, dressed in turquoise and iodine Time makes fools out of all of us dear, try the wine, colored rose red and alkaline Get on the roof, we’ll count the stars Get on the roof, we’ll count the stars Get on the roof, we’ll count the stars Get on the roof, we’ll count the stars I know