Statistics in Python: Import an online dataset and inspect

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This video is part of a full-length course on Python programming, including 32+ hours of video instruction and 80+ hours of exercises. The course starts from the absolute basics (no prior knowledge of Python is necessary!) and builds up towards intermediate-level competency. Check it out here: Course topics include: - Data types - Indexing and slicing - Functions - Flow control - Text and data visualization Here's a list of all the projects you can complete: - Project 1: Text search and replace - Project 2: The Law of Large Numbers - Project 3: Entropy of written English - Project 4: State-space trajectories - Project 5: Statistics - Project 6: Spectral analysis - Project 7: The colorful rainbow of noise - Project 8: Awesome mathy stuff - Project 9: Denoising noisy signals - Project 10: Time series filtering - Project 11: Descriptive stats without numpy - Project 12: Clustering: PCA, t-SNE, and k-means - Project 13: Index your Python code