jacob & bella | ride

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this is for you rebecca - for making me watch eclipse with you and urging me to do a jacob/bella video. always the friend in need. xD anyways, i wouldn't consider twilight to be my favorite fandom so please don't expect many more videos of it. i find it decent to watch but i have a tendency to overanalyse things and frankly, this fandom should not be analyzed because I've found SOOO many disgusting double standards and plotholes. sorry if anyone like, gets offended by that. it's just my opinion. i do, however, like jacob and bella and since my friend loves them i figured this should be a kind of present to her. and so the reason for this video is born. TADA! it's a girl! i'm gonna name her berta! seriously, i have the worst humor in the world. ignore me, will you? xD also a big thank you to whitelilly0989 at twitter for helping me find decent torrents. :) cary brothers - ride<br/><br/>