⚠︎☠︎︎BLAST YOUR EARS TO THE MOON!!!☠︎︎⚠︎//Loudcore// Speedcore & More Core Music!!! (2.0 VERSION)

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Since the original got removed from YouTube due to copyright for no goddamn reason, I've decided to recreate it all over again. If you want to listen to that mixtape, I have a SoundCloud where I upload tracks like this. Listen to ⚠︎☠︎︎BLAST YOUR EARS TO THE FUCKING MOON!!!☠︎︎⚠︎//Loudcore// Speedcore & More Core by (MangledWhoNow?) on #SoundCloud ☢Just because I like the music chosen in my Mixtapes/playlists doesn't mean I have to like the person in question. (And that also includes their name, artist name and or song name, behavior, background, controversy etc.) I just have strange but good tastes in music.☢ I hope this will help you with whatever the hell