Skullwalker maya motion tests

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- just a humble Skullwalker robot; - [unity3d motion tests]: - [sketchfab]: Robot has a next motion cycles(with root motion): - walk forward [2:25]; - walk backward [2:58]; - run cycle [3:25]; - jump cycle [3:55]; - strafe left and strafe right [4:25]; - turn left [4:50]; - turn right [5:02]; - idle [5:15]; - death cycle N1 [5:50]; - death cycle N2 [6:17]; Meshes summary: - separate torso mesh[2048x2048 ao, normal, diffuse, roughness, height, metallic and emission maps; 2617 verts, 2955 polys]; - separate guns mesh[2048x2048 ao, normal, diffuse, roughness, height and metallic maps; 2951 verts, 3345 polys]; - separate chassis mesh[2048x2048 ao, normal, diffuse, roughness, height and metallic maps; 5530 verts, 6264 polys];