Unveiling the Dark Secrets of a Betrayal: Two Wives in a Nomadic Hut | Iran

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The story is 4 months away. The dirty and treacherous nomadic man returns to the mountain hut with a new wife. He sparks a fierce argument with his first wife. Tensions escalate. A woman's heart breaks, her children cry. An unworthy man behaves violently. He is going to take the children. He tortures his wife. Can a woman tolerate her husband's torture? Nomadic life #family conflict #two wives #heartbreak #mountain drama ##Iran #water warriors #Iranian nomads #Babarzeh #fascinating nomadic documentary #Cultural heritage #Nomadic resistance #Iranian culture #Iranian tradition #Emotional life #Iranian nomadic life #Iranian nomadic traditional life #Iranian nomadic lifestyle #Iranian nomadic lifestyle #Iranian traditional lifestyle #Ashairsbak traditional life of Iran #chavil #sholiz #doora #