Black winter leather ski overalls, fitted, hood, belt + black glossy motorcycle helmet, sun visor

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Black winter ski overalls made of eco-leather, fitted, with a hood and a belt + a black glossy motorcycle helmet with a sun visor. Черный зимний горнолыжный комбинезон из эко-кожи, приталенный, с капюшоном и поясом + черный глянцевый мотошлем с солнцезащитным визором. Cool black ski suits + black motorcycle helmet. Walking in a spacesuit. Cosplay posthuman from the future. WALKING IN BLACK SUIT. Walking in ski suits and a motorcycle helmet or gas mask, in black leather boots and black leather gloves. #gasmask, #shinyskisuit, #downsuit, #Glosssuit, #скафандр, #зимнийкомбинезон, #противогаз, #mask, #горнолыжныйкомбинезон, #snowsuit,