Barn Swallow with Broken Wing Happy Rescue. Arrangement of the Nest and Nursing the Barn Swallow

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Barn Swallow with Broken Wing Happy Rescue. Arrangement of the Nest and Nursing the Barn Swallow ➞ ➞ Telegram - ➞ VK - ➞ VK group - ➞ TikTok - ➞ Likee - ============================================ We all love animals. And probably every normal person, when he sees an animal in trouble, tries to help him in exactly the same way as a person. We do the same with birds, because they are one of the most vulnerable creations of nature. Among them, of course, swallows occupy a significant place. Why swallows. The thing is that they fly just at great speeds and very low. For this reason, barn swallow with broken wing is a common story. However, if a person does not come to the rescue in time, the swallow can become a victim of cats or other animals. So in our case - we found a swallow with a damaged wi