Spanish Riding School Grand Finale - White Lippizaner Stallions

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The world-famous white Lippizaner stallions from the Spanish Riding School in Vienna are spectacular to see, horse person or not. For many, myself included, the white Lipizzan stallions are the first introduction to the world of dressage. The magic and beauty of the stallions performing create an enchanting allure that wins the hearts and minds of fans around the world. In the tradition of the Spanish Riding School, these two riders perform a duet or Pas De Deux. Watching this pair work in synch is a surprise and delight for all equestrians. The Spanish Riding School Vienna is the oldest riding school and the only institution in the world where classical riding in the renaissance tradition of the "high school" has lived for more than 450 years and is still maintained - which is why it is also part of the intangible UNESCO cultural heritage of humanity . The task of classical equestrian art is to study the horse's natural disposition to movement and to cultivate it through system