PrinceWhateverer & Frozen Night - This is Nightmare Night (Cover ft. friends) [MLP Fan parody]

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NOW IS THE TIME FOR OPTIMAL SPOOK Put on your reading glasses! :D !!===!! So I've seen this done a few times tbh, but I really love this song and wanted to do my own take on it, and with a bunch of my friends I think we did a pretty good job! =w= Time was super against us and the mix isn't as polished as I'd like but SPOOPS WAIT FOR NOPONE!! !!=== P A T R E O N & M E R C H ===!! If you feel like supporting me and what I do while getting cool perks and sneak peeks, consider checking out my Patreon here! Yeah I have merch now! :o !!===CREDITS===!! ==ART BY RENDERPOINT!! Derpi - Good art boi who you all should totally go check out!! ==ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTATION Frozen Night - ==ADDITIONAL VOCALS AND INSTRUMENTS BY COOL FRIENDS!! MantaTsubasa - Osoch - w