Prince Harry signed Netflix and Spotify deals to 'make a quick buck'

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The bosses of Spotify are reportedly "horrified" over Prince Harry's admission he only signed a contract with the audio streaming giant so he could afford to pay for his own security during a 2021 interview with TV host Oprah Winfrey. Royal Editor Richard Eden told the Daily Mail the Duke of Sussex signed those deals to "make a quick buck". "It takes an awful lot of work. It's serious work, it's planning. You can't just turn up and, 'Oh, what shall we do today'? I'm not surprised it's coming to an end," Mr Eden said. Royal Editor Rebecca English also told the Daily Mail streaming giants are more interested in "what it's like to be in the Royal Family". "Although the Sussexes likely wanted to make 'worthy' programmes championing causes they care about, streaming giants are more interested in what it's like to be a member of the royal