Nylons (1951)

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Nylon fashions, London. Various shots street hawkers selling black market nylon stockings from suitcases on pavement. Good shots showing lookout man on watch. Motorcycle policemen pull up to line on road. We see case being picked up and feet walking quickly away. Street looks like Oxford Street. Women queuing for nylons outside shop. Top shot sales desk in shop. CU woman looking at nylons - dissolve to - Factory scene: various shots showing nylons being made by machine. Various shots woman inspecting stocking for flaws, she pencils mark on stocking to show flaw. Various shots another woman stamping hallmark on stocking and packing them. Various shot chemist inspecting stocking. He dips the stocking into a secret chemical solution. The chemicals reveal a secret stock number - this is part of campaign to stop black market racketeers selling stockings. Various shots deserted back streets and warehouses. Various shots showing woman's hands taking nylon stockings from drawer behind sh