Jayne Mansfield´s Car (2012) - Robert Duvall John Hurt Billy Bob Thornton Kevin Bacon Robert Patrick Tippi Hedren

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1969 Morrison, Alabama. The Caldwell clan has 4 brothers: Skip (Thornton), Carroll (Bacon), Jimbo (Patrick), Donna (Katherine LaNasa) and patriarch Jim (Duvall). The men are all veterans of various wars. When Jim's ex-wife and mother to the 'kids' die, her present husband Kingsley Bedford (Hurt) and the Bedford family Phillip Bedford (Ray Stevenson), Camilla Bedford (Frances O'Connor) comes over from London to bury her back home in Alabama. The two families try to deal with the estranged relationships against a backdrop of volatile outside world of Vietnam and inner worlds. Jim is fascinated with car crashes. When a nearby town has a side show displaying Jayne Mansfield's car that she died in, Jim takes Kingsley along for a look.