Bluebells & Forget me nots. Unison colour soft pastels en plein air'

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Spring flowers have to be painted quickly or they soon vanish! Plus having good weather to work in en plein air is at a premium here. As many enjoyed my last and most recent film using pastels on the Magnolias I thought I would do a follow up using a more traditional method of blocking and blending , this time, on Canford paper. This scene particularly caught my eye, not only for this lovely puddle of cerulean for me not, but the much more purple / ultramarine bluebells in the foreground enabling a play between the warm and cooler hues. I decided to take this work in a more figurative path and into detail as it would have been easier to simplify this mass of texture, but I wanted too show how working from loose to tight enables you to go as far as you wish and stop when you wish.