Milx' Mayo #Lego #Bionicle

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she's hiding plot synopsis: Milx (gold mask) is making breakfast for her son (Ladderz (kid)). but Milx' boyfriend (Hunes (cyclops)) is a jerk asshole, he drink's Ladderz' milk, ruining breakfast. later that night Milx takes her son out trick or treating, they go to her bf's house, Hunes plays the old *"hole in the popcorn bag"* trick on her son. (did i mention Hunes is a perverted asshole?). Ladderz is fed up with all this bullying, and runs away. Milx mourns. but Hunes is super h*rny, so he wants Milx to show him her secret 'Goblin Milx acquiesce, but warns him that Goblin Mode is dangerous. (watch goblin slayer to learn why). Hunes tells her that he is a sad desperate c00mer man and doesn't care about the risks. he wants that Goblin. the end. Music by @Shorjok