Creating and running unit test for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM (5)

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How to write and run unit tests for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Plugin project using Microsoft Fakes and FakeXRMEasy and integrate them with Visual Studio Team Services build. First, I am going to create a fake context with input and output parameters and execute the plugin using them. FakeXRMEasy is easy and simple since it is based on reflection. In order to work the task properly you need to create an entity “task” and have the Proxy Classes that previously should be added to the project. Using Microsoft Fake, you need to add changes to the code. First, you need to add reference to and after that add Fakes Assembly then start writing your test. For more info about DevOps, VSTS, Software Testing, Dynamics 365, visit my blog: -----------------— ... #MRadwanMSF #Dynamics_365 #Unit_Test #Microsoft_Fakes #VSTS_Build 20180319 FQjyaoOmnDQ