yama「春を告げる」を踊ってみた【SLHのRYO】 - Niconico Video sm38881211

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It's been a long time This is RYO from SLH This time I tried to dance solo I often listen to my favorite songs I danced with the choreography of Anatasia If you want to tell the spring It's summer little by little Please see a lot Headquarters: Choreographer: Shooting edit: Johnny. @ 26310_J ★ Variety channel https: ... ■ CAST (Twitter) SHARE LOCK HOMES (@SHARELOCKHOMES) ・ YUMA (@SLH_YUMA) ・ SHIRAHAN (@SLH_shirahan) ・ RYO (@SLH_RYO) ・ KARASU (@SLH_karasu) ■ OFFICIAL SITE ■ Blog ■ Niconico [Mylist] [Community] https: ... SHARE LOCK HOMES 06/13/2021 13:00 Views 17,092