[ Brian Kinney ] • "I thought I could

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"My mother is a frigid bitch, my father was an abusive drunk, they had a hateful marriage. Which is probably why I am unwilling or unable to form a long-term committed relationship of my own. The fact that I drink like a fish and have more or less redefined promiscuety doesn't a result I've lost the two people in my life that mean the most to I don't feel like saying more about this Kinney said it all. edit: Sony Vegas screwed up with one voiceover, but I didn0t feel like re-rendering since this tok 9 hours to Honours:#52 -- I più commentati (questa settimana) -- Film e animazione #71 -- I preferiti (questo mese) -- Film e animazione #71 -- I preferiti (oggi) -- Film e animazione -- Globale #15 -- I preferiti (oggi) #1 -- I preferiti (oggi) -- Film e animazione #100 -- I preferiti (questa settimana) #11 -- I preferiti (questa settimana) -- Film e<br/><br/>