When your Meds Affect your Sex Drive | Advice Series

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Our latest video in our advice series answers the question: "How do you deal with the intimacy issues antidepressants and antipsychotics cause?" Issues around libido and sex drive are common side effects of certain psychiatric medication. I provide my own experience with this as well as advice I've learned from trying to navigate it myself. *I also forgot to mention that these types of meds can sometimes leave you feeling not quite yourself, or numb, which can also make intimacy harder. Again, let your doctor know if you are experiencing anything like this.* I have a background as a social worker and of course have my own experience navigating living with schizoaffective disorder. In these segments I try to bridge together these two perspectives. However I am not a medical practitioner so all advice is purely based off my own experiences and should not be taken as medical advice. If you would like to submit your own question or scenario for advice, please emai