HÄMATOM - Made in USA (Official Video)

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Come I'll take you by the hand And welcome you to wonder land. The Stars'n stripes are standing watch Please have a look but you may not touch. We're great again SHOUT IT OUT LOUD Celebrate some school shoot outs. Protect the freedom for this we stand With guns in our cold dead hands The wheel of fortune is a wheel that keeps spinning Hope and change gave way to winning unless It all comes crumbling down We'll always be the biggest game in town. So go ahead, MAKE MY DAY Try to take our rights away. Prepare to have your pussy grabbed If you wanna mess with uncle Sam. Coca Cola - Burger King Mickey Mouse and Halloween Water boarding - Guantanamo Rocky Horror picture show Starwars Simpsons - Super Bowl Elvis Presley and Rock'n roll Baywatch - Playboy Wonderbra - God bless America MADE IN, MADE IN,MADE IN, MADE IN, MADE IN