Find You In The Crowd 1&2 中国男同性恋LGBT电影 China Student gay film 林深时见鹿,海蓝时见鲸

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Thank you very much for your support of this movie. Don't forget to share it with your friends so that more people will pay attention to this movie! I am a BFA student from China and now study at the New York Film Academy. IMDb: tt10766616 / tt10765940 INS: yunhe_zhang572 这是一部原创学生作品,是一部同性恋微电影。 第一部短片拍摄于上海戏剧学院大一时《树深时见鹿》,第二部短片拍摄于纽约电影学院大三时《海蓝时见鲸》 新浪微博:张云鹤 树深时见鹿,海蓝时见鲸 豆瓣:海蓝时见鲸