2019 - After the fall of New York (Michael Sopkiw, Anna Kanakis, mercenaries, blood, gore, ethnic clensing, Civil war 2)

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A film with that title can only happen once! After WW3, American society breaks down into civil war 2 where two groups, the Euraks and the Federation are fighting for the power. A mercenary named Parsifal (Michael Sopkiw) is forced by the federation to infiltrate New York City, which is controlled by the Euraks, to rescue the only fertile woman left on Earth. The Euraks desperately wants to find her too. A better than usual post apocalyptic film as it was filmed with great energy and a good soundtrack. Its literally tough guy non stop action from start to finish in this one! Directed by Sergio Martino here with a pen name of "Martin Dolman" as Italians were encouraged to change their names into English sounding names as Jews had done so much earlier in Hollywood and thus sell it better. PS Usually called an Escape from New York/Mad Max 2 rip off but its not as it does its own thing. And who couldnt love Miss Italy Anna Kanakis as a black leather dressed Bondage loving dominatrix?