Городской исправительный приют для подростков братьев Рукавишниковых/Rukavishnikov Orphanage: 1890

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Россия в дореволюционных фотографиях Городской исправительный приют для подростков братьев Рукавишниковых в Москве 1890 Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs The Rukavishnikov brothers city correctional orphanage for teenagers in Moscow 1890 Music: Waltz scherzo for violin and piano by P. Tchaikovsky Sergei Dogadin - violin The Rukavishnikov brothers city correctional orphanage for teenagers in Moscow was the first orphanage in the country where they practiced the most humane methods of raising difficult children, and also paid attention to their vocational training. In many ways, this was due to the merit of Nikolai Vasilyevich. He banned physical punishment, added even more time for study and work to the schedule - a carpentry, shoe, tailor and paint workshop were opened at the orphanage and children were also taught church singing and painting.