nikita | the heart never lies [for julie]

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Please watch in HD, huge difference. First of all, let's pretend it's April 12th. I should have uploaded this that day, but things got a bit busy and I couldn't finish this sooner. So yeah, this is for Julie, if you don't know her, the amazing person who organizes the Nikita trends every week, promotes the hell out of our fanvids, she does a lot for the Nikita fandom in general. I hope you like the video hun, there's a lot of Mikita and Nikita/Alex because I know you love them. ;) This is my best way to say a big THANK YOU to you for everything you do. You can follow her under @Cw_posts_early on Twitter. You really should because she's an awesome girl and loves Nikita and a lot of other tv shows. :)<br/><br/>