Our Libya Offensive (1941)

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Item title reads - Pathe Gazette special. Our Libya offensive - first pictures. Africa. M/S on deck of naval ship, General Cunningham, Commander of the Eighth army, greets his brother Admiral Cunningham. Various shots of them together. M/S of a map showing Cirenaica where the offensive will take place. M/S of aeroplane, various good shots of Commander Cunningham before he gets into the aeroplane to visit his men. Various shots of tanks big and small, including the recently supplied U.S. tanks. Lorries loaded with men and equipment all move through the barrier that was the Egypt-Libya border. British and Imperial troops in advance. Various shots of the Air force aeroplanes flying overhead. Various shots of the navy, under Admiral Cunningham, advancing. Various shots as soldiers plot their course, a man uses a megaphone. Various shots as big guns are fired. Various shots of officers inside communication post directing fire. Various shots of the night barrage from the navy off Libya. Various s