Asian relaxation(Asian Healing BGM)1h,Yoga,Spa,Zen,Meditation,sleep,therapy,spiritual,singing bowl

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Asian relaxation music 1h With flowing water and chirping birds. Ideal for background music, healing,yoga studio, beauty salon, spa, zen garden, meditation, sleep, therapy,ambient,spiritual,singing bowl Oriental,Tibet,India,Bali,Japan,China We create music for inner reflection, meditation, healing and relaxation. Relax into the sound of flute, singing birds, the flow of the ocean waves. Allow yourself to be elevated in comfort and peacefulness as your being returns to its natural state. 作業用BGM アジア リラクゼーション ヒーリング音楽 水の流れ 鳥のさえずり ヨガスタジオ、ビューティーサロン、スパ、禅、メディテーシ&