In memory of her son - the mother of a deceased warrior is bringing a kitten from Komi, which the soldier sheltered at the front

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In memory of her son - the mother of a deceased warrior is bringing a kitten from Komi, which the soldier sheltered at the front Roman Popov from the Komi Republic sheltered the kitten Simba during the war, born to the cat Venus, who also lived on the front line and even rode with armored soldiers on combat missions. Unfortunately, Roman died. The mother of our hero asked for the kitten Simba - as a living memory of her son. The head of Komi, Vladimir Uyba, came to pick up Simba and then hand him over to Roman’s mother. In a few days, the cat should fly to the fighter’s small homeland. And his mother takes an active part in collecting help for our guys. Источник: Slavyangrad