CHONGQING CITY CHINA 4K - Chongqing Incredible Infrastructure - Drone Video

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Let's explore CHONGQING CITY in our Tour 2022 4k Ultra HD - Chongqing City China - Drone In this video, we take a look at Chongqing city, China, from a drone perspective! Chongqing is an incredible city with an incredible infrastructure - check out this drone video to see for yourself! This drone video of Chongqing city is perfect for anyone interested in China, Chongqing city, or infrastructure. The video is shot in 4K resolution and is smooth enough to watch without any lag, making it perfect for streaming or downloading. Whether you're a first-time visitor to Chongqing or just looking for a new drone video to watch, this one's worth a watch! One of the biggest cities in the world, with over 30 million people, Chongqing is an exciting metropolis. Few places in China, or anywhere else can claim an annual GDP growth rate of at least 10 percent for well over a decade.   For me, Chongqing is rather like a small province, with a core city of over 8 million people. E