[東方Nu-Metalcore] Medoi - The Devil

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listen: The devil sits in me The bloodlust burns from within Where's your god now He won't help you Walking in the gloom of night I serve the devil's fate Cursed by the sun's rays And now I always hate I'm going to burn to death soon, Always walking at night And kill another victim I'll feel the blood and run up I know there's no way out Hear the suffering people? They're begging for mercy You didn't care about them You lost to your desire Стоя над пропастью, смотришь На мир уставшего молчанья, На бред разбитого страданья, Но ты не плачешь, не кричишь Wild screams cut the darkness Life comes out of her mouth She suffers, cursed by fate Since becoming a scum You give people only fear And the blood in your eyes And the night will call again Going to gloom, seeking peace I stand over the abyss, crying, I look aroun